Tuesday, 29 January 2013

First draft of poster.

Here is an original idea for our poster. We have included everything that we need for advertising without giving away any character details. 

Monday, 28 January 2013


We have now finished all of the editing for the trailer. Below is the first cut of our trailer. We have changed the scenes including Ben and the drugs. The final cut looks much more professional this way. Also, we have tried to change the last image. I am determined to get a still image on the final moving image. However it is incredibly hard to fit the words 'Boys Village' on to our final scene. For some reason iMovie editor keeps cropping part of the title I want to add. I have been looking at this issue for the past week. And have some final ideas that I want to try tomorrow.

Friday, 18 January 2013


Today we were getting to re-film a school scene that involved Ben Hunter. However last night we had heavy snow and our school was closed. Hopefully we will be able to return to school on Monday, refill and edit by Wednesday ready to send our film off for the competition.

Here is an image on the snow which stopped filming today.

Close Analysis of TV Listing Front cover

Here are some TV listing front covers that I am going to analysis in detail to provide me with the information I need to create my own front cover

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Media Competition - Zoom Young Film Awards 2013.

We have entered a media competition for the 'best trailer' category. We had to fill out an application where we had to explain our trailer in 30 words. Here is what we came up with:

"Boys Village, where the girls come to play. A controversial new soap that follows the lives of seven young adults through parties, pills and puberty."

Cast List and Charater' Names

We have now given our characters names:

Ben Hunter - Atticus
Zak Rossaye - Seb
Brandon Frowen - Nate
Karl Deacy - Asher
Hannah Parker - Cassie
Nia Jones - Dixie
Paige Rees - Pippa

Friday, 11 January 2013

Poster Idea

As we have to create posters separately in our group, we have decided to create a series of posters that follow all of our story lines. We will have one of ben on his own, one of Paige, Zak and Brandon and another poster of the whole cast.

here is our end image that publicises our new soap

Analysis of a TV Posters

Below are some posters from E4 programmes.

Glee is an American TV programme that follows the lives of teenage
 misfits who find acceptance through song. You can tell this poster is American
as it uses bright, harsh colours and harsh edges on the characters giving the poster  a
cheesy glow.
Here is the cast from the British e4 programme. You can tell it's a British poster
as it uses dark colours. Even the orange on their suits is a dull orange.

This poster is from the first series of Skins, these are two of 

Thursday, 10 January 2013


Now we have completed all of our editing, we have to play around with titles and a voice over for the last shot of our trailer. We have an English teacher who has an English accent who we would like to say 'Boy's Village, brand new british drama, coming soon to E4.' We have chosen him as he doesn't have a welsh accent, and will make the trailer applicable to all teenage audiences and not just a welsh one. we want to include the E4 logo,  'new british drama, coming soon to E4,' our title 'Boys Village' and our tag line 'where the girls come to play.'

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

New shot list

Here is a quick shot list of what we hope to film in the next two days;
Shot one: close up some one popping pills on a sheet of paper - piece of paper is an essay that has been marked 'F'
Shot two: close up of mouth, person puts pills in his mouth
Shot three: medium close up of Bens face he closes his eyes and we fade to black
Shot four: close up of his eyes - he opens his eyes, we see his eye dilating.