Friday 16 November 2012


Here is the first draft of our storyboard, we tried to get all our locations and all the information on one storyboard, however when we revisited the storyboard, it was too confusing to follow.

 Here are some pictures of our final draft of our storyboards; we split our trailer into three different storyboards so it was easier when it came filming and seeing our ideas clearer.

 here is a short bit of film footage showing us working as a group to create storyboards one lesson.

This is our second location of Bens house when he is receiving his letter through the post

This is our first location of Zaks bedroom

Here is our third location where a lot of the action takes place - Boys Village 

1 comment:

  1. I like the way that you have used a video as well as a traditional picture version to show how you developed your storyboard.

    A good idea.

