Sunday 30 December 2012

Mood Board

Here is a generic mood board I created from different TV listing magazines. After reading and researching TV listing magazines on a whole I then cut out and stuck together a mood board to give me an idea of what TV covers and magazines are like.

Front cover vs Poster

How similar images should be used especially with a new soap as then the audience will recognise the characters that are about to appear on their tv screens. We have decided to create 3 different posters to coincide with our story lines. We will have a poster of Zak, Brandon and Paige to follow our 'gay' storyline then we will have a poster of just Ben on his own to show our 'drugs' storyline and our final poster will include the whole cast. As there are three members in our group we can all work on a poster each.
Then for our front cover of a TV listing magazine, we are thinking to focus our TV cover on Zak, Brandon and Paige's story line as this is the most visible story through our trailer.

Targeting our audience, Audience research.

We are basing our own soap on e4's Skins which is centered on the themes of "sex, drugs and rock'n'roll" from looking on the series one trailer, although we don't want to glamourise any of this too much, we do wish to stick with the same ideas in a thematic way.

The basis for our idea has come from the existing E4 programme (although not a soap) "Skins" it follows the stories of a group of teenagers, as they go through the two years of a sixth form college. Skins is known for including hard hitting story lines within their series, over the last few years, they have dealt with issues such as drug addiction, the death of a parent and disabilities. We have the same view of our own soap, and if we were to develop it further would hope for the same effect, therefore I believe we would have a very similar target audience. In my opinion their target audience would be 16-20 year olds, this is due to it dealing with relevant story lines for this age group, therefore it features characters of similar same ages. Looking at the socioeconomic grouping, they would be in group E, due to being mostly students. However, this doesn't mean that the target audience is limited to this group only.

How can we appeal to our target audience of 16-20 year olds?

Initially we can appeal to the target audience by including story lines that are relevant to them, our story lines are;
Gay/straight love triangle
STD and sexual health
Drug abuse

Our trailer will include scenes of an 'dumbed down' adult nature along with parties and drinking, whilst introducing our three main stories. We are including these scenes in order to entice and attract our audience. We are also including the props of empty alcohol bottles to further show the idea of a group of friends socialising at a party. We are also going to include a lot of fast edits for the Boys Village scenes in order to keep the stories fast paced and interesting. Furthermore we are going to include actors of a similar age, all our actors range from ages 16-18 as to keep it modern, contemporary and appealing.
Lastly, we are going to base Paige's character entirely on Effy from skins, we are doing this as a way of showing the audience something they are already familiar with, in order to entice them to our own soap.

Here is Effy;

Existing Products

Below are some existing tv listing front covers that I have got from the Internet
Most of the covers use bright, neon colours to attract an audience of middle aged women, the key demographic who watch soaps on tv. These tv listings magazines always include the title of the magazine, a price (which is normally well under a pound) a main picture and headline and four or five other pictures and story lines. Most of the pictures on the front of these tv listings are front on pictures of only one or two characters from a soap and they are normally surrounded in a thin, white, fuzzy glow that, to its target audience, makes the person in the picture look almost angelic or desirable.
I have also included a picture of radio times front cover as it is much simpler. It uses more natural colourings and tones and normally focuses in on one picture and some written text, it is much more appealing to look at.
The final image I have included is of a annotated tv listing cover, it highlights all the important elements that make a standard listings cover.

Friday 14 December 2012


Due to the schools network being down all week, today was the first day we were able to get our filmed footage on the mac computers and start editing. The footage is looking really good, we're hoping to finish a rough draft of our trailer together by the end of the Christmas term (20th December)

Monday 10 December 2012

Filming update 3.0

Sunday was our last filming day in our final location. At a last minute we changed the location to our back up at Ogmore Castle, due to timings and some of our actors having commitments in the afternoon. This was not a problem though.
When we got to Ogmore Castle there were quite a few people enjoying days out with their families, we made sure to approach them and explain what we were doing. Everyone was very helpful and stood out of the way of our filming.
Due to the nature of our trailer, we decided we wanted the actors to improvise a lot to get a more naturalistic feel. This worked incredibly well and two of our actors Zak and Paige who have the main storyline of our trailer, were by far the best on the day. Below are some stills from filming:

Sunday 9 December 2012

Back up location

As a back up plan we are going to use Ogmore Castle as our third location as Boy's Village is due to be knocked down and turned into five studio flats. We double checked in the week that what we needed down at Boy's Village was needed and it is all intact, however we felt it best to cover our backs.