Wednesday 13 March 2013

Photoshoot and Photos

On the day of our photoshoot we did a lot of planning. We had to close off the resources area in the English block as this was going to be where we were shooting at lunch time.
In the morning, Stevie, Stephen and myself went off to buy props to create a party feel for our cast while we photographed them. We bought party hats and balloons and then filled one of the balloons with helium so someone could hold it on a piece of string. Between the three of us we blew up the balloons and asked Zak, Brandon, Ben, Karl, Nia, Paige and myself to get into costume.
During the lunch time we took lots of photos of Zak and Brandon as they were unable to stay after school. We took over a thousand photos of one of the casts cameras, therefore we had a great variety of photos to choose from. Below are just a few of the thousand photos we ended up taking!
It was a very successful day and left us with some great material to create the best posters and front covers ever.

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