Tuesday 12 February 2013

Editing Update

We have edited together 1.21 minutes of footage so far. We have a strong and easy to follow trailer so far, however when editing together Bens story line, it did not flow as well and the story line we wanted to portray was no as easy to follow. The final scene that we have edited so far is of the group of teenagers sitting in a circle, they are chatting, drinking and exchanging drugs. Karl, our drug dealer character takes out some drugs, Ben stands up as if to walk away from the group and takes the drugs off Karl.
Our next scene is going to be easy to film and fit better into the teenage mise en scene we have already created.
We will use a fade to black to establish a new setting, and have a close up of someone using drugs. The next shot is someone putting a pill in their mouth, it is Ben. We will use the camera and pan around his head to an over the shoulder shot, showing Bens location, a sixth form common room. From this over the shoulder shot we see Karl walk in an towards Ben.

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