Monday, 24 September 2012

Final Idea with Scenes.

Here are the stills of the 1st scene we want to recreate.

1. Crabbing shot of Zak and Paige (in bed, must see photo of Zak and Brandon) phone ringing, lots of missed calls from Brandon. Zak closes eyes - fade to party.

This scene is inspired by a particular scene from Skins series 4, where there is a crabbing  shot of a bedroom across to the bed where the characer Freddie is sleeping, he opens his eyes and there is a cut to the next scene. I have posted this scene in other posts, it runs from 0.16 - 0.24 in the video, and here are some stills of the scene we want to recreate.

This is the 'we are the children of the revolution' scene we which
to make our own.

2. Establishing shot, of keep out sign camera follows someone running to party - pool with people - Karl at the top of the pool 'We are the children of the revolution'

3. Low angle shot - general party

4. Pan - general party

5. High angle shot - Brandon and Zak - close up establish relationship
for shot 8, running scene inspired by this shot.

6. General party scene

7. General party scene (climbing out of pool.)

8. Running to church - lead by Karl.

9. Cut to inside church - (drugs in a separate room)

10. Ben walks off with Hannah.

11. New scene in bed, Ben wakes up, phone call 'it's positive' he says 'f***' he hangs up - he closes his eyes.

12. Hannah and Ben alone, 'suggestive intimacy' closes eyes.

13. Ben in room, phones Hannah -goes to voicemail.

Shot 15, we like the idea of a window shot, as it creates
alot of new ideas, layers and meaings for the soap.
14. Slo-mo of Karl and drugs.

15. Our effy character Paige at the window, smoking. Zak leaves room looking distressed.

16. Kiss between two characters.

17. Brandon texts Zak.

19. Hannah smokes pipe.

20. Paige walks towards Zak

21. Title.

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